using group tutors

Using Group Tutors

At Group Tutors, we are committed to providing you with a professional teacher who will be able to guide and help you learn in the most efficient way for you.

Private lessons are completely flexible – your tutor can travel to your home or other location and you can have English lessons at the times and days you want.

Our tutors can also provide online tutoring using our easy to use platform, which includes video recording of each lesson and the ability to search for a specific previous lesson or topic to re-watch it.

Pay as you go

No need for individuals to purchase a large block of lessons. Our state of the art online system allows us to take payment for lessons quickly and easily as they are taken.

Qualified tutors

We are proud to collaborate with a team of professional tutors who are dedicated to teaching their specialist subject. We make sure we select the most likeable, personable and professional tutors.

1-TO-1 or Group tuition

All courses are available to take either 1-to-1 or in a group. Typically most courses involve taking one or more lessons per week.

Start your journey today

Flexible, face-to-face or online lessons with our qualified and experienced tutors.